
Wednesday, 23 October 2013

A Day From Hell

Wednesday started off with an extremely sore throat and a fever :-(. Despite having tons to do, I could barely move from the sofa! So it was with great relief when I started to feel slightly better, at least enough to move and finally get in the bath. The plan was to get myself decent enough to get down the shops.

After a nice hot bath, I got out and for some reason didn't bother with a towel. So I'm dripping wet....and a few years back, my mum got rid of the carpet and put in laminate flooring everywhere.....even in the upstairs hallway. I remember saying to her, "Great, that's an accident waiting to happen."

Today, that accident happened! I stepped into the hallway, felt my foot slip, then stared at the wall for the next few minutes thinking, "I hope I haven't broken anything". I proper flew into the air, tried to stop it so luckily landed on my whole left side rather than my back, then thought how ridiculous I looked with one leg in the hallway and the other in the bedroom.....wet, naked, legs well spread and all for the wrong reasons!

I am still in pain, can barely move, but must be making progress as I've managed to get onto the laptop (typing one-handed). I've had a good few painkillers though, so feeling sore and drowsy! Apologies to anyone I've ignored, put out etc.,.....and remember, bath towels are there for a reason!!!!!

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